Board Meeting
November 28, 2018
The Alabama State Board of Midwifery met on Wednesday, November 28, 2018, to conduct business. Board members physically present at the primary physical location were: (1) Ms. Noel Leithart (Board Chair), (2) Ms. Stacey Bufkin (member), (3) Ms Kaycee Cavender (member), (4) Ms Colleen Tullis (member). Board member in attendance electronically was: (1) Ms Tori Dennis (member). Also in attendance was Bettie Carmack (attorney). Others in attendance electronically were Keith Warren, (executive director) and Leigh Moorer (Warren and Co). Absent was Ms Marietta Nero (member). The physical meeting was held at 455 Magnolia Avenue in Fairhope.
Also present were Stephen McCormick (attorney) representing the Alabama Hospital Association (AlaHA), Matt Hart (attorney) and Robert Steelman (investigator), both with the Board of Medical Examiners. The member of the public at the physical location was Jessica Smith.
The Board meeting had been advertised on the Secretary of State’s website, in accordance with the Alabama Open Meetings Act. There being a quorum of board members present electronically and at the physical location, Ms Leithart, Board Chairman, called the meeting to order at 11:05 a.m. and proceeded to preside over the meeting.
Ms. Leithart presented the November 9, 2018 meeting minutes for the Board’s approval. A copy of the minutes was provided to the members prior to the meeting for their review. Corrections and addendums were made. Ms. Cavender made a motion to adopt the November meeting minutes as amended. The motion was seconded by Ms. Bufkin and unanimously approved by the Board.
Ms Cavender made a motion to go into executive session for one hour for the purpose of conferring with legal counsel regarding the legal ramifications related to the implementation of the adopted rules. Ms Bufkin seconded the motion. Roll Call vote was taken: Ms Bufkin voted aye; Ms Cavender voted aye; Ms Tullis voted aye; Ms Dennis voted aye. The motion was unanimously approved by the Board. Executive session began at 11:24am. Ms Cavender motioned to reconvene the regular board meeting at 12:18pm. Ms Tullis seconded. Roll call vote was taken: Ms Bufkin voted aye; Ms Cavender voted aye; Ms Tullis voted aye; Ms Dennis voted aye. The motion carried unanimously. The Board resumed the general meeting at 12:18pm.
Ms Leithart updated the Board on the progress of the website. Mr Warren presented information about liability insurance for the Board members. Ms Bufkin presented findings about various background check companies.
Ms Cavender asked the representatives of AlaHA and BME present at the meeting about how to meet with their organizations so as to further develop communication between the midwives and the various other interested entities. Discussion followed with the public. During a discussion of establishing amiable relationships with various entities, Cheairs Porter (attorney representing MASA) appeared on the the telephone. Mr. Warren then informed the board that Mr Porter had been present in his office for the majority of the meeting, but he felt like he did not have the opportunity to disclose Mr Porter’s presence in his office. The Board indicated their displeasure with having a member of the public in attendance (at Warren’s office) without telling the board members or others at the physical location. Mr. Warren disagreed with the board’s interpretation (perception) of his failure to disclose the presence of Mr Porter and disconnected the phone call.
Ms Cavender made a motion to hold the next meeting of the Board on Dec 8, 2018 in Anniston. Ms Bufkin seconded. Verbal vote was taken, and the motion passed unanimously.
There was no further business of the Board. Ms. Cavender made a motion to adjourn. Ms. Tullis seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Ms. Leithart adjourned the meeting at 12:47 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Noel J. Leithart