Board Meeting
December 8, 2018
The Alabama State Board of Midwifery met on Saturday, December 8, 2018, to conduct business. Board member physically present at the primary physical location was: (1) Ms Kaycee Cavender (member). Board members in attendance electronically were: (1) Ms. Noel Leithart (Board Chair), (2) Ms. Stacey Bufkin (member), (3) Ms Tori Dennis (member), (4) Ms Marietta Nero (member). Absent were Ms Colleen Tullis (member) and Ms Bettie Carmack (attorney). The physical meeting was held at 108 East 10th Street in Anniston.
Also present was Cheairs Porter (attorney) representing the Medical Association of the State of Alabama (MASA). The members of the public at the physical location were Jessica Smith, Kate Petty, Caleb Petty, Hamilton Yarbrough, Rachel Patterson, Korey Felder, Heather Felder.
The Board meeting had been advertised on the Secretary of State’s website, in accordance with the Alabama Open Meetings Act. There being a quorum of board members present electronically and at the physical location, Ms Leithart, Board Chairman, called the meeting to order at 2:35 p.m. and proceeded to preside over the meeting.
Ms. Leithart presented the November 28, 2018 meeting minutes for the Board’s approval. A copy of the minutes was provided to the members prior to the meeting for their review. No corrections or addendums were made. Ms. Cavender made a motion to adopt the November 28 meeting minutes. The motion was seconded by Ms. Bufkin and unanimously approved by the Board.
Ms Leithart informed the Board about the training for members of regulatory boards that is held in Montgomery. The next training is March 1, 2019. Ms Bufkin, Ms Cavender, Ms Nero and Ms Leithart said that they plan to attend.
Ms Leithart informed the Board that she had received a letter of resignation from Keith Warren as executive director. After the letter was distributed, Ms Dennis made a motion to accept Mr Warren’s resignation as executive director. Ms Cavender seconded the motion, and it was unanimously approved.
Ms Cavender made a motion to correct all past minutes to include absentees at previous Board meetings. Ms Bufkin seconded the motion. After brief explanation and discussion, the motion was unanimously approved.
Ms Bufkin presented information about different background check companies. Ms Bufkin made a motion to use The Cromwell Group. Ms Dennis seconded the motion, and it was unanimously approved.
Ms Leithart opened discussion about license number designation.
Ms Cavender made a motion to hold the next meeting of the Board on Dec 22, 2018 in Anniston. Ms Dennis seconded. Verbal vote was taken, and the motion passed unanimously.
There was no further business of the Board. Ms. Cavender made a motion to adjourn. Ms. Bufkin seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Ms. Leithart adjourned the meeting at 3:10 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Noel J. Leithart
Approval date: 1/18/2019