Alabama State Board of Midwifery Board Meeting Minutes
The Alabama State Board of Midwifery met on Thursday, April 6, 2023, to conduct business. Board members present included (1) Ms. Noel Leithart (Chair), (2) Mr. Chris Megginson (member), (3) Ms. Christine Litas (member), (4) Ms. Laura Reeder (member), (5) Ms. Layla Brown (member). Dr. Joyce Loyd-Davis (member) and Ms. Stephanie Armstead (member) were absent.
The member of the public in attendance was Rebekah Myrick, LM.
The Board meeting had been advertised on the Secretary of State’s website, in accordance with the Alabama Open Meetings Act. With a quorum of board members present, Ms. Leithart called the meeting to order at 5:03pm.
Ms. Leithart stated that the purpose of the called meeting was to vote on an application for licensure. After noting that the application was complete, Ms. Reeder motioned to accept it. Ms. Brown seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Ms. Leithart expressed congratulations to Chandler Harris, LM#0025.
Ms. Leithart reminded the board members that the next regular meeting is on June 23, 2023, at Vestavia City Hall.
With no further business to discuss, Ms. Litas made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Megginson seconded the motion. It passed unanimously. Ms. Leithart adjourned the meeting at 5:05pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Noel Leithart, Chair
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