Alabama State Board of Midwifery Board Meeting Minutes
The Alabama State Board of Midwifery met on Friday, September 8, 2023, to conduct business. Board members present included (1) Ms. Noel Leithart (Chair), (2) Mr. Chris Megginson (member), (3) Ms. Christine Litas (member), (4) Ms. Laura Reeder (member), (5) Ms. Layla Brown (member), (6) Dr. Joyce Loyd-Davis (member) and (7) Ms. Stephanie Armstead (member). Also present were Mr. Brad Chynoweth, attorney to the Board and Dr. Sharon Porterfield, Administrative Assistant.
The members of the public in attendance were Nancy Megginson LM, Rebekah Myrick LM, Tracy Weafer, Kimberly Taylor CNM, Matt Hart (BME), and Yatisha Davis-Butler.
The Board meeting had been advertised on the Secretary of State’s website, in accordance with the Alabama Open Meetings Act. With a quorum of board members present, Ms. Leithart called the meeting to order at 10:05am.
Ms. Leithart welcomed the guests. Next, she presented the minutes from the June 23, 2023, board meeting. Ms. Reeder moved to accept the June 23, 2023, minutes. It was seconded by Ms. Brown and approved unanimously by the board.
Administrative Assistant Report: Dr. Porterfield gave the quarterly report and the financial report.
Legal Counsel Report: Mr. Chynoweth, Board Attorney. Reported on the Complaint Review Committee (CRC). After reviewing the circumstances, the CRC recommended that complaint #2023-01 be dismissed. Ms. Litas moved to dismiss complaint #2023-01. Ms. Brown seconded. All in favor. Complaint #2023-01 was dismissed by unanimous vote. Mr. Chynoweth also reported that there is a lawsuit presented by 3 entities represented by the ACLU regarding the birth center rules that ADPH is proposing. The ASBM is mentioned in the body of the suit.
Board Chair Report:
Old Business
Ms. Leithart reported that ADPH moved their proposed birthing center rules and regulations to be certified by the Legislative Council. The rules to be certified were published in the August 31 edition of the Administrative Monthly. They are due to go into effect October 15, 2023. Dr Loyd-Davis asked for clarification regarding the ASBM stance on these rules. Ms Leithart offered to send her the comments on record from the ASBM that were sent to ADPH.
In order to renew Dr Porterfield’s contract, the ASBM had to go through RFP for the position of Administrative Assistant. The Board published a proposal and received bids. Dr Porterfield was the only one who bid. Mr Megginson moved that the Board recommend to the Chief Purchasing Officer to award the contract to Dr Porterfield. Dr Loyd-Davis seconded, and it was approved unanimously.
New Business:
Ms. Leithart proposed a revision of the Annual Statistics form to help avoid confusion about reporting details from the midwives. She also recommended moving the deadline date to March 1. Ms. Litas moved to approve the changes. Ms. Armstead seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Ms. Reeder made a motion to enter Executive Session to discuss the good name and character of the applicant for licensure with a time limitation of 10 minutes. It was seconded by Ms. Armstead. Roll call vote: Ms. Reeder aye, Mr. Megginson aye, Mrs. Brown aye, Ms. Armstead, aye, Dr Loyd-Davis, aye. All in favor, none opposed. Motion carried. The Board entered Executive Session at 10:38AM. The Board reconvened at 10:48am. A motion was made by Mr. Megginson and seconded by Ms. Reeder to approve LM-0027. The Board voted to approve applicant LM-0027.
Ms. Leithart, Chair, welcomed newly licensed midwife Kimberly Taylor, LM-0027. She will serve the mid region of the State.
With no further business to discuss and no comments from the public, Ms. Armstead made a motion to adjourn. Ms. Reeder seconded the motion. It passed unanimously. Ms. Leithart adjourned the meeting at 10: AM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Noel Leithart, Chair
Alabama State Board of Midwifery
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