The Alabama State Board of Midwifery met on Friday, June 14, 2024, to conduct business. Board members present included (1) Ms. Noel Leithart (Chair), (2) Mr. Chris Megginson (member), (3) Ms. Christine Litas (member), (4) Ms. Laura Reeder (member), (5) Ms. Layla Brown (member), and (6) Ms. Stephanie Armstead (member). Also present were Mr. Brad Chynoweth, attorney to the Board and Dr. Sharon Porterfield, Administrative Assistant. Dr. Joyce Loyd-Davis (member) was absent. The members of the public in attendance were Nadia Gramby, Shamar Gamby, Khalil Gamby, Nancy Megginson (LM), Sara Megginson, Rebekah Myrick (LM), Stephen McCormick (attorney for AlaHA), and LaShonda Spencer.
The Board meeting had been advertised on the Secretary of State’s website, in accordance with the Alabama Open Meetings Act. With a quorum of board members present, Ms. Leithart called the meeting to order at 10:04am.
Ms. Leithart informed the board that her term as chair had expired and opened the floor for nominations for a new chair. Mr. Megginson nominated Ms. Reeder. No more nominations ensued. Mr. Megginson then moved that Ms. Reeder be elected as Chair. Ms. Litas seconded the motion. Ms. Reeder was unanimously approved by the members of the board, and she accepted the new role. Ms. Reeder then informed the board that the Complaint Review Committee (CRC) members’ term is over, and therefore new committee members need to be appointed by her. Ms. Reeder asked Mr. Chynoweth, Mr. Megginson (non-midwife representative), and Ms. Leithart (midwife member) to serve on the CRC. Ms. Litas moved that the names be approved by the board. Ms. Armstead seconded the motion. All were approved by unanimous vote. At that point, due to her present circumstances, Ms. Reeder asked that Ms. Leithart
continue to run the current meeting.
Ms. Leithart presented the minutes from March 8, 2024, and May 21, 2024 board meetings. Ms. Armstead moved to accept the minutes. It was seconded by Ms. Litas and approved unanimously by the board.
Administrative Assistant Report: Dr. Porterfield gave the quarterly report and the financial report.
Legal Counsel Report: Mr. Chynoweth, Board Attorney, reminded the board that we need to review and renew Dr. Porterfield’s contract. He also said that our rules and regulations need to be reviewed and may be amended, with a plan to work during the summer on that issue.
Board Chair Report: Ms. Leithart reminded the Board of the requirement to fill out their Statement of Economic Interest. She also mentioned that this summer the board will undergo the normal 4-year audit by the State. She reported that the Legislative Sunset Review Committee will hear the findings of the audit and the response of the Board on Oct 24, 2024, and that all Board members are expected to be present for that hearing in Montgomery. Next, Ms. Leithart brought up the issue of Dr. Porterfield’s contract. She said that Dr. Porterfield is willing to renew her contract. While she does not have to go
through the RFP process again, her contract will still need to be presented to a Legislative Review Committee and acquire the Governor’s signature. Mr. Chynoweth sent a copy of Dr. Porterfield’s contract to the board members ahead of time. After discussing some minor corrections, Mr. Megginson motioned that Dr. Porterfield’s contract be accepted as amended. Ms. Brown seconded the motion. Roll call vote was taken: Ms. Litas aye; Ms. Brown aye; Mr. Megginson aye; Ms. Reeder aye; Ms. Armstead aye. Approved unanimously.
Ms. Leithart presented three applications for licensure. After a brief discussion, Ms. Brown moved that the board accept LM-0032 for licensure. Mr. Megginson seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Ms. Litas aye; Ms. Brown aye; Mr. Megginson aye; Ms. Reeder aye; Ms. Armstead aye. Approved unanimously. Ms. Leithart, welcomed newly licensed midwife Nadia Gramby, LM-0032. Ms. Gramby plans to serve the Jefferson and Shelby Counties, along with all African-American women across the State. Congratulations, Ms. Gramby!
After a brief discussion, Ms. Litas moved that the board accept LM-0033 for licensure. Mr. Megginson seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Ms. Litas aye; Ms. Brown aye; Mr. Megginson aye; Ms. Reeder aye; Ms. Armstead aye. Approved unanimously. Ms. Leithart, welcomed newly licensed midwife Meagan Hedger, LM-0033. Ms. Hedger plans to serve the areas around Fairhope, Foley, and Spanish Fork. Congratulations, Ms. Hedger!
After a brief discussion, Mr. Megginson moved that the board accept LM-0034 for licensure. Ms. Brown seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Ms. Litas aye; Ms. Brown aye; Mr. Megginson aye; Ms. Reeder aye; Ms. Armstead aye. Approved unanimously. Ms.Leithart, welcomed newly licensed midwife Lindsay Dibble-Huckabee, LM-0034. Ms. Dibble-Huckabee plans to serve the areas of Mobile and Baldwin County. Congratulations, Ms. Dibble-Huckabee!
The final order of business was the renewal of licenses for thirteen licensed midwives. This included LM-0001, 0002, 0004-0009, 0017-0019, 0024, 0025. After being assured that all midwives’ files were up-to-date and all renewal applications were complete, Mr. Megginson moved that the batch of renewals be accepted. Ms. Litas seconded his motion. Roll call vote: Ms. Litas aye; Ms. Brown aye; Mr. Megginson aye; Ms. Reeder aye; Ms. Armstead aye. Approved unanimously.
With no further business to discuss, Mr. Megginson made a motion to adjourn. Ms. Armstead seconded the motion. It passed unanimously. Ms. Leithart adjourned the meeting at 10:45 AM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Dr. Sharon Porterfield
Administrative Assistant
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