Alabama State Board of Midwifery Board Meeting Minutes
The Alabama State Board of Midwifery met on Friday, September 13, 2024, to conduct business. Board members present included (1) Ms. Laura Reeder (Chair), (2) Mr. Chris Megginson (member), (3) Ms. Christine Litas (member), (4) Ms. Noel Leithart (member), and (5) Ms. Layla Brown (member). Also present were Mr. Brad Chynoweth, attorney to the Board and Dr. Sharon Porterfield, Administrative Assistant. Dr. Joyce Loyd-Davis (member) and Ms. Stephanie Armstead (member) were absent.
The members of the public in attendance were Nancy Megginson LM, Sara Megginson, Stephen McCormick (Attorney for AlaHA).
The Board meeting had been advertised on the Secretary of State’s website, in accordance with the Alabama Open Meetings Act. With a quorum of board members present, Ms. Reeder called the meeting to order at 10:04 am.
Ms. Reeder presented the minutes from the June 14, 2024 board meeting. Mr. Megginson made corrections. Ms. Litas moved to accept the minutes as amended. It was seconded by Ms. Litas and approved unanimously by the board.
Administrative Assistant Report: Dr. Porterfield gave the quarterly report and the financial report.
Legal Counsel Report: Mr. Chynoweth, Board Attorney, gave an update on the Complaint Review Committee (CRC) and complaint 2024-01. The CRC met, reviewed the complaint and supporting evidence, along with the evidence supplied by the midwife. The CRC recommends to the Board that the complaint be dismissed. Ms. Brown made the motion to dismiss complaint 2024-01. Motion was seconded by Ms. Litas. The vote passed. Mr. Chynoweth also reminded the board that the rules need to be revised.
Board Chair Report: Ms. Reeder reminded the Board that they are to attend the Legislative Committee meeting for the Sunset Review Board on October 24, 2024, in Montgomery.
With no further business to discuss and no comments from the public, Chris Megginson made a motion to adjourn. Ms. Leithart seconded the motion. It passed unanimously. Ms. Reeder adjourned the meeting at 10:34 AM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Laura Reeder
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